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Call to Fast and Pray

In the past few weeks four loved ones, under the age of 50 have passed. Precious, bright, talented, men and women, some leaving behind young children - from a drunk driver to cancer to suicide. We have wept deeply in prayer and intercession for all those affected. In times like this, it’s clearly apparent the battle we are in - for lives, for souls. The enemy has come with an assignment to kill, steal and destroy and Yahshua has come so that we can have life and more abundantly. There are spiritual doors opened that have allowed the enemy access and often we open them knowing or unknowingly, in ignorance, not understanding the ramifications. Either way, the answer is always to turn our hearts to our Abba, Our Father God, Yahweh, who shifts our lives, transforms, saves, heals, restores, and delivers us from the darkness.

When Queen Esther faced the threat of total annihilation of her people, she was in the position in the Kingdom to stand, to go before the king and save her people. My friends, we are in the Kingdom for such a time as this, and we too can go before the King of kings on behalf of our people, communities, nation and globe. She was willing to lay down her life for her people. Are we? Are we willing to put down the busy schedules, our own to do's, die to our flesh and seek the King of kings? Esther fasted and called a fast of all her people, for 3 days and 3 nights - no food, no drink - a dry fast, before she would go before him.

When we fast and pray, we position our hearts to hear from God. We position ourselves by weakening our bodies to get intune and strengthened by His Spirit. Fasting prepares us for greater ministry, by purifying our thoughts, attitudes, and helps us discern more clearly God's will and strategy for our lives. As we fast and pray for our nation, communities, families - His Spirit is released in greater measure to move. As we draw near to Him, He draws near to us. Will you prayerfully consider joining together to fast and pray this coming weekend, beginning at sundown (4:47p MST), on Saturday December 7th and ending on Tuesday December 10th at sundown? We will abstain from both food and drink for these three days/nights and pray! If so, please confirm “yes” in the comments below.

The darkness is not sleeping, and is especially focused in this time to distract the Body of Christ with the things of this world, pleasures, stuff, and over indulgence. We are called to be awake to these tactics, wise and not become lax or lazy. May we, the people of God’s Kingdom, RISE UP together, unifying our hearts in prayer and fasting, from our locations across the globe, positioning ourselves to seek the help and salvation of Our King Yahweh, in the name of His son Yahshua Hamashiach, and by the mighty power of His Holy Spirit, on behalf of our people, families, nation, and globe! When we humbly call, He answers us, He rescues, protects, redeems and brings us into His Salvation, AMEN!

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